Case Study: Legal Ease – How FileCenter Became Indispensable for a Law Firm

Meet P. M., a lawyer with a bustling practice and a weekly tech column writer for the Australian Financial Review, the equivalent of the Wall Street Journal for Australia. 

In the legal industry, the efficient management of documents is critical to success. P. M.’s firm initially used PaperPort for document management, but it became increasingly unreliable and frustrating. 

Seeking a better solution, P. M. and the firm turned to FileCenter.


Pain Points: P. M. and the law firm faced several significant challenges with their previous document management system:

  • Frequent Crashes: Stability issues with PaperPort often led to lost work and disruptions in the legal workflow.
  • Complexity: The system was not user-friendly, which made document management more cumbersome than necessary.
  • Poor Support: Technical support issues made problem-solving slow and ineffective, leaving the team frustrated.

Common Fears: Transitioning to a new document management system came with its own set of fears:

  • Disruption in Work: Concern about potential interruptions and downtime during the switch.
  • Learning Curve: Fear that the new system would be complex and difficult for the staff to learn.
  • Quality of Support: Worry about encountering the same poor support experiences as with PaperPort.

Solution Implementation

Discovery: P. M., always on the lookout for technological solutions to enhance efficiency, stumbled upon FileCenter. Intrigued by the positive reviews and comprehensive feature set, the firm decided to give it a try.

Onboarding Process: The trial began with some initial skepticism but quickly turned into a pleasant surprise. FileCenter’s onboarding process was smooth and intuitive, significantly different from their previous experiences. 

The firm found the following especially beneficial:

  • User-Friendly Interface: FileCenter was far easier to use, which reduced the overall learning curve for the staff.
  • Minimal Downtime: The transition was seamless, with negligible downtime, allowing legal work to continue almost unimpeded.
  • Comprehensive Tutorials: Tutorials and support materials made it easy for staff to get up to speed quickly.

Key Features Used:

  • Automatic File Naming: Ensured consistent and organized files, saving time otherwise spent on manual renaming.
  • OCR Capabilities: Made all scanned documents searchable, which was a game-changer for quickly retrieving legal documents.
  • Stability: The software’s stability ensured that crashes and lost work became a thing of the past.
  • Cloud Integration: Allowed for easy access to documents from anywhere, which was particularly useful for remote work and court sessions.


Before and After Comparison: The transition to FileCenter brought a marked improvement:

  • Increased Productivity: The firm saw a significant boost in productivity as time wasted on solving technical issues was eradicated.
  • Reduced Errors: The automatic file naming and organization features reduced the risk of misfiled documents.
  • Fast Document Retrieval: With OCR capabilities, finding specific case files or client documents became a matter of seconds instead of minutes.

Metrics and Data:

  • Efficiency Gains: Document retrieval times improved by up to 40%.
  • Error Reduction: Misfiled documents decreased by 30%, greatly enhancing the firm’s operational accuracy.

Tangible Benefits:

  • Stress Reduction: Staff no longer had to worry about crashes and lost work, creating a much more peaceful work environment.
  • Enhanced Client Service: Faster document retrieval and improved file management directly translated into better service for clients, as cases could be handled more efficiently.
  • Reliability: The firm benefited from a reliable document management system that supported its daily operations without hiccups.

User Testimonial

“Apart from my day job as a lawyer, I write the ‘Hands On’ tech column each week in the Australian Financial Review. Thought you’d like to know that we ran a piece on FileCenter a couple of weeks ago, and it has generated more than a little interest.

I’ve been running a few trial editions at my law firm to get other perspectives on FileCenter, and I now have a problem 🙂 My people aren’t willing to let it go…. It looks like FileCenter is here to stay in this office! It’s a great product, so keep up the good work. Cheers.”
– P. M.

Real-World Impact: The positive reception extended beyond the firm’s initial trial period. Staff at the law firm were so impressed with FileCenter that they were unwilling to revert to their old system. This enthusiastic adoption highlighted the software’s real-world effectiveness and the significant improvements it brought to the firm’s document management practices.


P. M.’s journey from frustration to satisfaction with FileCenter underscores the software’s transformative potential in a demanding legal environment. For law firms struggling with unreliable document management systems and poor support, FileCenter offers a user-friendly, stable, and highly efficient solution.

Start your completely free, no credit card required trial today and see firsthand how FileCenter can transform your document management: Start Your Free Trial.

For law firms and other professionals burdened by document management inefficiencies, FileCenter provides a reliable pathway to enhanced productivity and peace of mind. 
