Case Study: Uniting Departments – FileCenter’s Impact Across Diverse Municipal Functions

Meet L. O., an administrator in Reedley, a municipality managing a range of diverse departments from public works to public safety. The daily operations in such diverse settings generate a substantial amount of paperwork, making document management a challenging task. 

Implementing a uniform system across all departments, without mandating its use, posed a formidable challenge that required a versatile and user-friendly solution. That’s where FileCenter came in.


Pain Points: Reedley’s situation was fraught with several document management challenges:

  • Disparate Systems: Various departments used different methods and systems for document management, leading to inconsistencies and inefficiencies.
  • Paper-Heavy Processes: Departments like public works and public safety generated extensive paperwork, making it difficult to manage and retrieve documents swiftly.
  • Reluctance to Change: With such diversity in workforce functions, there was a natural resistance to adopting a new, unified system.

Common Fears:

  • Disruption: Concerns about potential disruptions and downtime during the transition.
  • Acceptance: Skepticism among department staff about the benefits and usability of the new system.
  • Complexity: Fear that the new system would be complicated to learn and implement, especially in busy departments like public safety.

Solution Implementation

Discovery: Seeking a solution that could cater to the diverse needs of the various departments, L. O. discovered FileCenter. Encouraged by initial reviews and a free trial offer, FileCenter was proposed to the department heads, emphasizing its ease of use and potential for streamlining document management processes.

Onboarding Process: Initially, the adoption of FileCenter was voluntary. 

L. O. presented FileCenter as a tool that could simplify life for each department without mandating its use. Minimal training was required due to FileCenter’s intuitive interface, and the software’s compatibility with existing scanners and workflows made the transition seamless.

Key Features Used:

  • Unified Document Management: FileCenter’s cabinet-style organization system allowed each department to manage documents in a familiar, intuitive manner.
  • Searchability: The OCR capability enabled quick retrieval of documents, a crucial feature for time-sensitive departments such as public safety.
  • Batch Scanning and Filing: FileCenter’s ability to handle batch scans and automatic filing was a game-changer for departments managing large volumes of paperwork.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The simple and intuitive interface facilitated quick adoption across diverse teams.


Before and After Comparison: Prior to FileCenter, document management was disjointed and inconsistent across departments, resulting in inefficiencies and frequent frustrations. Post-implementation, the transformation was remarkable.

  • Increased Productivity: The streamlined process meant that staff spent significantly less time managing documents and more time focusing on their core responsibilities.
  • Enhanced Organization: FileCenter’s unified system brought consistency across departments, improving overall organization and efficiency.
  • Time Savings: Tasks that previously took hours, such as retrieving documents, were now completed in minutes thanks to the OCR capability.

Metrics and Data:

  • Universal Adoption: Within a few weeks, despite the voluntary start, every department had voluntarily adopted FileCenter due to its evident benefits.
  • Enhanced Workflow: Document retrieval times were reduced by up to 70%, significantly improving response times in critical areas like public safety.

Tangible Benefits:

  • Reduced Stress: The stability and efficiency of FileCenter alleviated the stress associated with disjointed document management practices.
  • Higher Efficiency: Streamlined processes across diverse departments led to an overall increase in municipal operational efficiency.
  • Unified System: A coherent, universally adopted system brought about better communication and consistency among departments.

User Testimonials

User Quotes: “We have used FileCenter to make our paperless accounts payable process extremely easy for each department. I told them they weren’t required to use it, but that it would make their lives so much easier. And everybody has jumped on board and is LOVING it! That’s really an impressive statement because we’ve got such a diversity of folks, from public works to public safety – and I am only hearing good things. I think this is truly a first for us.”
– L. O., Reedley, CA

Real-World Impact: L. O.’s testimonial clearly illustrates FileCenter’s ability to bridge the gap across diverse municipal functions, bringing ease and uniformity to document management and significantly improving operational efficiency.


L. O.’s case showcases the transformative impact of FileCenter in a multifaceted municipal environment. From unifying disparate systems to enhancing productivity, FileCenter stands out as a robust, user-friendly tool for efficient document management.

If you manage a diverse organization and are looking for a reliable, intuitive document management solution, FileCenter could be the answer.

Start your completely free trial today and see firsthand how FileCenter can transform your document management: Start Your Free Trial.
