Document Management
Cabinets: Using OneDrive or Dropbox
One question that we field regularly goes like this: How can I store my files using OneDrive or Dropbox? Is it even possible? The short answer is, yes, it is possible to store your files using OneDrive or Dropbox.
Expert Q & A: Organizing HR with Document Management Software
Records management is an important concern for every HR department. With so much paperwork – and so many related compliance obligations – it’s critical to have an effective, secure, and manageable way to keep track of and access critical information. … Expert Q & A: Organizing HR with Document Management Software Read More »
What are the Advantages of Using FileCenter Pro Over Windows Folders?
FileCenter Pro vs. Windows Folders: What are the advantages of using FileCenter Pro over Managing Windows Folders? Some common questions asked when talking with a business owner looking at using an electronic document management solution are, “Why can’t I just … What are the Advantages of Using FileCenter Pro Over Windows Folders? Read More »