Looking for network scanning software? Try FileCenter Automate!
FileCenter Automate is hands-free network scanning software. FileCenter Automate will continuously watch network scanner folders and convert new scans into searchable PDF files with OCR text. FileCenter Automate can also separate, rename, and move scans automatically, something most network scanning software cannot do. Discover FileCenter Automate, the network scanning software that eliminates steps and makes you more productive.

What Is Network Scanning Software?
Network scanning software watches your network scanner's output folder and turns new scans into fully searchable PDF files. The PDF file is literally a picture of the original document. This variety of paperless PDF software works with any network scanner that saves scans to file.
Why Do You Need Network Scanning Software?
You need because network scanners just create an image file. You're left with more work to do: OCR the scan, convert it to PDF, rename it, and move it to the right folder. Network scanning software can automate all of these steps. Using FileCenter Automate alongside your network scanner will take your scanner's output and turn it into fully searchable PDF files ... without you lifting a finger.
Accomplish More With FileCenter Automate
For those needing to convert and OCR thousands of documents to fully searchable PDF, FileCenter Automate is the easy answer. Designed to be simple enough for average users and priced within reach of small businesses, FileCenter Automate will work behind the scenes to make sure that your document archives are kept fully searchable ... effortlessly. Learn more about FileCenter Automate.