Your fastest path to organized
documents is waiting ...
organized users
organized files

In-Depth Training Videos

Make the most of your current software! Plenty of undiscovered features are waiting to improve your daily workflow. Let us guide you through them with our easy-to-understand, down-to-earth video courses.

Available to view at your own pace, 24/7, most of these training sessions are short enough to complete in less than a lunch break.

Basic Courses
FileCenter Layout:  Learn the basic layout of FileCenter and how to navigate the program.
Introduction to Settings:  Discover the settings that you can use to customize FileCenter and make it your own.
The Action Buttons:  You'll find small action buttons scattered around FileCenter. These contain many of the basic commands that you need in FileCenter. Get familiar with the action buttons and how to use them.
Basics of File Cabinets:  Learn what a file cabinet is, how to create them, and how to modify existing cabinets.
Basics of Drawers:  Learn what a drawer is, how it differs from folders, how to create them and how to navigate them quickly.
Introduction to Templates:  Set up folder layouts that mimic your current paper filing structure. Learn to automatically apply folder layouts to drawers for consistency, no matter who is creating a drawer.
Introduction to File Naming:  Like in the Introduction to Templates, you'll learn how to set up pre-defined document names to create consistency in the way everyone in your office names files.
Scanning Basics:  Scanning to FileCenter is one of the primary ways to store documents in FileCenter. Learn the basics of using your TWAIN compliant scanner in FileCenter.
Printing:  Besides scanning, printing documents to PDF is a common archival technique. Learn how to print to PDF from a variety of different applications.
Open:  Using the Open feature brings more to the table than most people think. Learn about the uses for FileCenter's Open button and how to leverage it for your office.
Email:  The ability to email files directly from FileCenter is a critical feature. Most, however, don't know the depth of this feature. Learn to take full advantage of FileCenter's emailing power.
PDF Editor - Basic Features:  Our PDF Editor is one of the top rated editors out there. Become familiar with the basic uses of the PDF Editor and how you can leverage them for your daily document processing.
Introduction to the Inbox:  Get to know the Inbox tab and learn some best practices for using the Inbox.
Introduction to OCR:  Become familiar with OCR and why it matters. Take your first steps into using OCR to increase efficiency in your office.
Intermediate Courses
Cabinets:  Dig deeper into cabinets. Discover the power behind advanced cabinets, how to pair cabinets with cloud drives, how to use alternate cabinet layouts, and the more advanced features of the cabinet.
Importing Data:  Learn how to migrate file structures into FileCenter. Build drawers and folder structures from CSV files.
Drawers:  In the Basic Drawers training you learned how to create new drawers. Now discover how to manage and use them, including moving them between cabinets and archiving them. Discover the power behind shortcut drawers. Learn how to pin drawers to advanced cabinets.
Templates:  Templates are probably one of the best ways to leverage the FileCenter system to its fullest. Learn the more advanced features of templates, including how make them from existing folder layouts.
Naming Options:  Along with Templates, the Naming feature will create so much efficiency that you will probably kick yourself for not using the Naming feature earlier. Learn how to fully leverage the document naming tools.
Scanning:  Few features have more buried power than scanning. Find out how to make scanning as automatic and efficient as possible. Discover the full range of scanning options available.
Scanning: ScanSnap:  The Fujitsu ScanSnap is a popular scanner for a reason. Unfortunately, few programs integrate with it. FileCenter is one that does. Learn how to set up and use a ScanSnap scanner with FileCenter.
Inbox:  In the Basic Training module for the Inbox tab, you got familiarized with this amazing tool. Now learn how to get it set up and how to use it to its fullest.
Split Screen:  Tired of copying and pasting to move files? Discover FileCenter's built-in tools for moving files around, including how to rename as you move.
OCR:  Go deeper into the amazing OCR tool. From using different OCR engines to setting up OCR profiles, you won't want to miss this module.
Zonal OCR:  You've mastered OCR, but have you heard of Zonal OCR? Learn what Zonal OCR is, when to use it and when not to use it. Learn how easy it is make file names even more intelligent by pulling from document text.
Separators:  Ever just want to scan in a big stack of documents and then walk away and have your system file them for you? Don't miss this module to learn how FileCenter Separators can help with some of the work.
Barcodes:  If you are using barcodes on your documents, FileCenter can really help you out. Learn how to make the best use of barcodes to help with naming and routing your documents and create more efficiency.
PDF Editor:  The PDF Editor has many sophisticated features you didn't see in the basic training. Learn about dynamic stamps, setting up a transparent signature, redacting information, using Bates Stamps, and more.
PDF Actions:  FileCenter has ways to manipulate PDF files outside of the PDF Editor. Discover how to stack (merge) PDFs, split them, insert or remove pages, and more ... without ever opening the files.
Convert Files:  Ever needed to convert a Word document to PDF? Or vice versa ... without losing the formatting? How about a scanned table to an Excel spreadsheet? Or maybe a PDF to a JPEG, or a JPEG to a PDF? Learn about the powerful Convert button in FileCenter and everything it can do. Don't miss one of our favorite features of the FileCenter software.
Document Cleanup:  Scanning can be a perfectionist's nighmare. Stray specks, black margins, crooked pages – almost any scan could look better. Get to know FileCenter's cleanup tools for your scanned documents.
Windows Indexing:  What is Windows indexing? Is it required? How do I set it up? These are just a couple of the questions that you will learn as you get familiar with indexing.
Windows Search:  If you follow our best practices for setting up FileCenter and organizing your files, you will be able to navigate to your documents easily. But when needed, search can be your friend. Assuming you've set up Windows indexing, learn how to leverage our powerful search features, including keyword searching, filename/path searching, and searching specific metadata tags.
Tools Button:  Ever wonder what all of the options do in the Tools button? Explore how each item can help you make better use of FileCenter.
Outlook Integration:  Do you use Outlook? Ever wonder how you can leverage FileCenter to store your Outlook files? Come check out this module to see how you can store your email messages using our simple Outlook integration.

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